PFCP's Staff
Lead Youth Worker: Donna Brown
0191 3893399
Youth Workers: Natalie Richardson, Susan Patterson and Poppy Merritt.
Centre Cleaner/Attendent: Amanda Simpson Best Replica Watches
Volunteering with Pelton Fell Community Partnership
Volunteer Youth Worker - Job Description
As a small community organisation Pelton Fell Community Partnership needs volunteers to support its programme of activities and the running of The Brockwell Centre. The Partnership receives support from a number of volunteers, some who work for a few hours a week, some who work the entire week! In return they get the satisfaction of time and effort well spent. In addition, volunteering can be a great way to: meet new people learn new skills gain useful experience. It should also be fun!
Possible voluntary involvement could be in reception dutires, helping run specific activities and/or groups; administrative work such as preparing Agendas for PFCP meetings or the Minutes of such meetings; preparation of the periosdic Newsletter; updating this web site.
If you would like to volunteer to support your community please contact Colin Reynolds (Secretary) or Donna Brown (Lead Youth Worker),
on 0191 389 3399.